Social Media for Business
Issued By:
Santa Barbara City College
Wednesday, 06 September 2017
Badges Issued:
Social Media for Business

This set of courses takes students through the planning process of using social media as part of a business mkg strategy. They will analyze the ways in which business and nonprofits use social media marketing to engage customers in dramatically different ways from the past. Students will create a successful business presence on social media using the Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest business environments and learn how to use these tools to capture all of the benefits

What Courses or Activities it takes to earn this badge
Class Schedule
  • Pinterest and Instagram for Business

    CRN Location Type Days Times Start End Instructor
    66810 Zoom Lec/Lab Friday 8:30:00 AM-4:30:00 PM 03/14/25 03/14/25 Dr. BilliJo Starr

  • LinkedIn for Business

    CRN Location Type Days Times Start End Instructor
    66811 Zoom Lec/Lab Friday 8:30:00 AM-4:30:00 PM 04/25/25 04/25/25 Dr. BilliJo Starr

  • YouTube for Business

    CRN Location Type Days Times Start End Instructor
    66812 Zoom Lec/Lab Friday 8:30:00 AM-4:30:00 PM 05/02/25 05/02/25 Erin Gorrell

  • Facebook for Business

    CRN Location Type Days Times Start End Instructor
    69470 Zoom Lec/Lab Friday 8:30:00 AM-4:30:00 PM 02/21/25 02/21/25 Dr. BilliJo Starr

  • Twitter for Business

    CRN Location Type Days Times Start End Instructor
    69471 Zoom Lec/Lab Friday 8:30:00 AM-4:30:00 PM 05/16/25 05/16/25 Dr. BilliJo Starr
  • ©2020 Santa Barbara City College. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.