Microsoft Office Skills, Level 2
Issued By:
Santa Barbara City College
Thursday, 01 July 2021
Badges Issued:
Microsoft Office Skills, Level 2

This Certificate prepares students for entry-level office clerk jobs & provides a basis for more advanced college training & career laddering. The program consists of three required courses: Word 2, Excel 2 & PowerPoint 2 and one elective: Outlook 2, Publisher 2 or Access 2. Post-program participants will be able to format & navigate long documents, work with large and multiple worksheets and workbooks in Excel and modify an existing PowerPoint presentation to improve its overall appearance.

What Courses or Activities it takes to earn this badge
Class Schedule
  • MS Excel 2

    CRN Location Type Days Times Start End Instructor
    80533 Wake 5 Lec Tuesday Thursday 9:00 AM-11:15 AM 06/18/24 06/27/24 Esther Frankel

  • MS Word 2

    CRN Location Type Days Times Start End Instructor
    80693 Wake 6 Lec Monday Wednesday 9:00 AM-11:15 AM 07/15/24 07/24/24 Julio Lara Perez

  • MS Excel 2

    CRN Location Type Days Times Start End Instructor
    81206 Zoom Lec Wednesday 12:30 PM-2:45 PM 07/17/24 08/07/24 Diana Musacchio
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