Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Issued By:
Santa Barbara City College
Monday, 11 September 2023
Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Introduction to Entrepreneurship certificate identifies the process to create a startup business It describes the primary forms of business ownership and identifies the necessary financial and people management competencies for success. Students learn to recognize startups' business models and their unique opportunities to develop the optimal marketing strategy. They also learn how to implement a growth mindset to create enhanced customer experiences that drive engagement, retention, and LTG.

What Courses or Activities it takes to earn this badge
Class Schedule
  • Marketing and Growth Strategies

    CRN Location Type Days Times Start End Instructor
    69049 Wake Campus 28 Lec/Lab Friday 8:30:00 AM-4:30:00 PM 03/07/25 03/07/25 Anna Kwong
  • ©2020 Santa Barbara City College. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.