Digital Photograph Management
Issued By:
Santa Barbara City College
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Badges Issued:
Digital Photograph Management

Prepares students for entry-level jobs, such as photographic assistant and digital techs, which have high employment potential in Santa Barbara County. A basic knowledge of Adobe Lighroom Classic and will also help students in their professional advancement, notably in the photographic industry.

What Courses or Activities it takes to earn this badge
Class Schedule
  • Lightroom Classic 1

    CRN Location Type Days Times Start End Instructor
    69058 Zoom Lec/Lab Tuesday Thursday 5:30:00 PM-7:55:00 PM 03/04/25 03/20/25 Bruce Burkhardt

  • Lightroom Classic 2

    CRN Location Type Days Times Start End Instructor
    69059 Zoom Lec/Lab Tuesday Thursday 5:30:00 PM-7:55:00 PM 04/01/25 04/17/25 Bruce Burkhardt

  • Lightroom Classic 3

    CRN Location Type Days Times Start End Instructor
    69060 Zoom Lec/Lab Tuesday Thursday 5:30:00 PM-7:55:00 PM 04/22/25 05/08/25 Bruce Burkhardt
  • ©2020 Santa Barbara City College. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.