Basic Digital Imaging
Issued By:
Santa Barbara City College
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Badges Issued:
Basic Digital Imaging

The Basic Digital Imaging Certificate enables students to develop image editing, file organization, and design project skills that will make them more marketable. This Certificate is also a gateway into other credit programs, helping students develop foundational skills that will prepare them for more intensive programs of study and work opportunities. There are no prerequisite requirements for this program, and courses are open to all students.

What Courses or Activities it takes to earn this badge
Class Schedule
  • Photoshop Overview

    CRN Location Type Days Times Start End Instructor
    66945 Zoom Lec/Lab Friday 9:00:00 AM-12:15:00 PM 04/04/25 04/18/25 Bruce Burkhardt
  • ©2020 Santa Barbara City College. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.